not going back this weekend..
so, as usual.. met up with my friends in the library to study..
let's see... Hazel, WenYi, Alice, JiaRu.. and me... we were the only ones who turned up.. YahLee is "busy".. because her "housemates" are moving in...
anyway, our 1st class test -- Principles of Human Nutrition is just around the corner.. on friday..
that's why.. we were extra "hardworking"...
poor Hazel, she went home early, because she had a headache.. i hope she's feeling well..
looking forward for WeiJie's dessert.. the 糖水that he said he'd prepare...
guys in N&D are really talented in cooking... 1st it's ChonXiang.. now WeiJie.. i wonder if there's any other hidden talents...
well.. turns out that WeiJie was in Putrajaya, watching his school's choir perform, in a patriotic songs choir competition..
so, the dessert's gotta wait till evening..
then, WeiJie called and said that he'd probably won't be able to make it back in time.. *disappointment*
but he'll prepare it on sunday anyway.. *faces lightens up*
sitting at the library, with all the Nutrition books piled up in front of us..
we had another of our brilliant ideas again...
why don't we cook dinner ourselves... again....
now u know why we all chose N&D..
anyway, dinner yesterday totally wiped out all my storage of veggies and stuff..
so, we made an lightning trip to Carrefour...
and bought "ingredients" of the dishes that we'll like to cook...
headed back to my apartment.. and the chefs -- Me + Alice + WenYi & JiaRu.. got to work...
and here's the result...
4 delicious looking dishes..
we even invited WeiJie to join us for dinner..
so.. the 5 of us.. ate dinner and watched the SUMMER CONCERT 08 by 8TV.. at my place..
can't say i'm impressed by the concert this year..
let's just say it's just.. "so-so"
had another nice day.. thanks guys.. for making another one of my boring days interesting...
our masterpieces.. sorry for the blurred picture..
my creation~
WenYi's creation~
JiaRu's creation~
Alice's creation~
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