it's truly intolerable..
it's sooooo quiet..
makes me miss home again...
went to library yesterday, stayed there from 11.00am till 8.00pm..
can't say i revised a lot, but at least i read through most of my Principles of Human Nutrition, and i actually grasped most of the concepts now~ *jumping for joy*
didn't really achieve my target though, i was planning to go through my Organic Chemistry notes too, but i guess i got side tracked now and then, and didn't get to look through the Organic Chemistry notes.. will go to them right after this..
the little cafe in the library served it's purpose,
providing us with coffee and pastries~~
and emptying our wallets... *sad*
the scent of roasted coffee beans and delicious pastries drew the students(ok.. us..) to them...
hehehe.. who can resist a freshly brewed cup of cappucino after reading through tons of facts, and being confused by all these concepts that we have to understand?
okay.. i may be exaggerating a bit... well, let's just say everyone needs a break now and then.. ;)
many thanks to WenYi, Alice, Hazel, YahLee & JiaRu, for keeping me company..
studying together is really much better.. than having to endure the loneliness of studying alone..
at least when my minds starts wandering away from the notes in front of me, i look up, see everyone else focusing on their notes, i focus on my notes once again~~
went to OUG for dinner after a long day's revising and gossiping in between..
wakakaka... it was satisfactory, the at the sight of the hawker stalls by the roadside, we knew at once, this is it! our dinner!
there was everything.. okay.. maybe not everything..
but, it's the typical chinese hawker centre..
omg.. how i missed all these chinese food!!!
we ordered quite a lot of food, to be honest, and shared among the 6 of us..
let's see, we have: tomyam, satay, popiah, fried kuay teow, 蚝煎, ice kacang~~
wakakaka.. what would our prof say if she sees us eating all these non-nutritional stuff..
what we ordered was definitely against RNI and Dietary Guidelines...
well, we have to reward ourselves for "studying hard" for a whole day right?
so, i guess all these RNI and guidelines momentarily "slipped" from our minds~~
ssshhhhh... don't tell our profs....
hmm.. it's another boring sunday, and i'm home alone..
how i miss having my housemates around..
the house feels quiet and empty without u guys..
i guess i'll just get back to my Organic Chemistry notes...
a sandwich.. a nutritional snack but yet.. quite costly for us...
a nice cup of cappucino.. is what u need after a few hours of reading~
** LeeChongWei vs LinDan.. Olympic Mens' Singles Finals... all the best to LeeChongWei.. u make Malaysia proud~
guess i'll go to the students' lounge later to watch the match..
Heyy...sobz,lee choong wei lost the gold medal.
Yeah,true,the little cafe really burn a hole in my pocket. aiyks...but the bun r quite nice..hee
hi starr~
just come by ti say hi^^
i just linked your blog to mine =P
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